5 Breastfeeding Snacks That Pack a Nutritional Punch

1. “Booby” Bites:

Easy to make, and possible to freeze for future snacking! Also great to take with you on the go.

This recipe includes oats, flaxseed, and brewer’s yeast which are all great for boosting lactation!

2. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice! Cans of pineapple juice can be taken with you on the go! I buy a 4-pack at Trader Joe’s.

Pineapple is said to decrease postpartum inflammation… And it’s super refreshing!

Bonus tip! Add Coconut Water to your pineapple juice. Hydration is key when breastfeeding. Coconut water aids in hydration by providing essential electrolytes – which are necessary for certain bodily functions. And when mixed with pineapple juice, the taste is pure magic!

*Keep in mind, both contain natural fruit sugars and should be consumed in moderate amounts. Also, some coconut water brands sneak fake sugar in! Try to steer away from those.

3. Larabars

Easy, on-the-go snack packed with lots of nutritional benefits. Almost all Larabars share one common ingredient: Dates! Dates promote the production of prolactin, which aids in the production of breastmilk.

My favorites are the Cashew Cookie, Blueberry Muffin, and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip bars. Be careful not to overindulge on the Larabars that have chocolate!

4. Peanut Butter Sandwhiches

Peanut butter sandwiches are easy to make in a pinch and they’re easy to munch on during a nursing session! Peanut butter adds a protein punch that aids in postpartum recovery. (Proteins [amino acids] are the building blocks of our muscles and body tissues which help heal and repair!)

Another bonus: Recent research indicates that a baby’s early exposure to allergenic foods may decrease the child’s risk of developing food allergies.

5. Avocado Toast

Avocado is loaded with healthy fats: Good for brain power and energy and this high-calorie food helps to satisfy hunger. 

Good for baby, good for mama! 

Grains from bread are helpful in boosting energy and regulating blood sugar.

A sprouted, whole-grain bread is recommended for more nutritional benefits. 

Breastfeeding Tips:


It may be wise to journal your nursing sessions for the first month or so of your breastfeeding journey to see if certain foods have a negative affect on baby.

For instance, too many cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc…) can make you, and potentially your nursing baby, gassy… Which may make baby extra fussy.

Through journaling, you may also discover patterns in baby’s behavior before and after feedings that can make for a better, more efficient nursing session over time.

Breastfeeding Buddy Basket!

Something that made a big difference when breastfeeding each of my kids, was having a basket handy in the first couple of months, that contained items to help make the process a little easier…

It usually included a big water bottle with a straw, non-perishable, healthy nursing snacks, tissues, the tv remote, a journal, a book, burp cloths, and baby wipes! 

Comment below with any tips you’ve discovered during your breastfeeding journey!

Happy Nursing!

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